West & Central Africa

Rangeland Voices

Aboubacrine ag Mohamed Mitta, RPPS, Mali
Aboubacrine ag Mohamed Mitta, President of the Réseau des Peuples Pasteurs du Sahel (Network of Pastoralist Peoples in the Sahel, RPPS), expresses his support for a UN declaration of an IYRP.
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, AFPAT, Chad
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, the Coordinator of the Association des Femmes Peules et Peuples Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT – Association of Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad), explains the importance of an IYRP for her people – the Fulani (Peul Mbororo) of West & Central Africa.

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The photos and sound in this film were taken by Gilles Coulon during his field trip to an Acting for Life project. He followed a group of herders during their descent in the dry season from eastern Burkina Faso to northern Togo and their return in the wet season. Credit: Gilles Coulon, Tendance Floue, for Acting For Life (2016)
In West Africa, flexible mobility of herds is crucial for optimal production and use of rangeland resources. Herders explain why they move their animals between wet-season and dry-season pastures, sometimes over hundreds of kilometres. Credit: InFocus for Acting For Life (2015)

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